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Cryotherapy(fat freezing treatment) is a non-invasive (without contact) procedure in
which doctorsplace a small suction cup on a patient's skin. The device gradually
extracts bodyheat until the subcutaneous fat is frozen. During the procedure,
the epidermisremains within a normal temperature range, which leaves the skin
Fat cells,according to researchers at Harvard Medical School, are very sensitive to cold.They discovered that intense, localized freezing killed adipocytes – the cellsinvolved in
forming fattissue. Therefore, cold destroys fat by damaging the cells: theygradually
die and arethen naturally metabolized by lymphatic system.
Clinicaltrials have shown no side effects and the procedure is painless and resultsare
impressive.After the first session, fat deposits are reduced by 25 percent.
One procedureis likely to be enough for most patients, but manufacturers do not
rule out theneed for additional sessions, depending on the amount
of fat apatient wants to lose.
40KHz Cavitation handle
Mightily cracking the cellulite, remove the fatness. Ituses the strong ultrasonic head to shoot 40,000Hz ultrasonic, after enteringthe body, will make the fatty cells produce mighty cracking effect and fattycells friction. As the membrances of fat cells do not have the structuralcapavity to withstand the vibrations, the effect of cavitation easily breaksthem, while not having an impact on the vascular, nervous and muscular tissueeffectively exhaust the heat energy, exhaust cells water, let fatty cellsshrinking.The broken lipocyte (fat cells) are then moved to the liver andsafely metabolized out of the human body, which is assisted by drinking a lotof water. Finally, some content of the adipocytes is metabolized by the liverand eliminated in the urine.
Radio frequency is not the same as laser. Radio frequency(RF) usually refers to oscillations in electrical circuits. Aesthetictreatments reportedly use non-ablative (RF) energy in short, intense pulsesthat oscillate through the skin to heat targeted tissue. RF is often used toreportedly tighten the skin. The RF energy penetrates the skin and stimulatesthe contraction of collagen and the production of new collagen for skintightening.RF devices uses a variety of delivery systems and penetrate tovarying depths.
Lipo Laser
Lipolaser emits low levels of laser energy, which createsa chemical signal in the fat cells, breaking down the stored triglycerides intofree fatty acids and glycerol and releasing them though channels in the cellmembranes. The fatty acids and glycerol are then transported around the body tothe tissues that will use them during metabolism to create energy. This processof fatty acid release is a natural response of the body when the body needs toused stored energy reserves, thus Lipo is not creating any unnatural reactionin the body nor does it affect or damage any surround
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